Religious persecution is one of the oldest problems humanity has ever faced, and it has been around for thousands of years. While living peacefully together is a dream most people share, the reality is that disagreements can often turn violent, and there’s no bigger disagreement than one about religion. Today, Christians who face persecution are mostly those who live as a religious minority in some countries, despite the fact that there are billions of Christians around the world. Luckily, there are several steps and calls to action you can take to ensure that religious rights and freedoms are ensured, so keep reading to find out what you can do.
Advocate for Proper Legislation
A large part of the reason for Christian persecution is little to no laws or regulations preventing it in areas where it occurs. These laws, when they’re finally passed, can put an end to religious violence and violation of freedoms. However, creating this legislation is tough and can take years if not decades, especially if there’s not enough support. You can help to fix this problem by advocating for proper legislation. The Christian community is over two billion strong throughout the world, and if even a fraction of that number raises their voices, it’ll be enough to pressure any government.
There are many ways you can apply pressure to a government to enact stricter laws. Those living in rich first-world countries, especially if it has a democratic setup, can contact local leaders and mobilize communities to raise awareness for these issues. Your local leaders can then, in turn, pressure political bodies in your country, such as Congress in the United States, to adopt a stricter policy against the country where widespread persecution occurs.
Support NGOs
NGOs are integral in the fight against global injustice. They include charities and other groups meant to raise awareness and support for important issues. If you’re a Christian or just a peace-loving person who lives far away, in another country, removed from the area in which a Christian community is facing persecution, one of the only ways you can have a direct impact is through another group that travels to the site and offers aid. There are many different NGOs, all with their ways of helping, and they need all the resources and financial aid they can get.
The main type of group you’ll be looking for are charities that can travel to areas to provide aid to those who need it the most. This means that Christians who have lost their homes and access to food and water due to mob violence will have a safe place to stay and food and water for themselves and their families. Some charities provide other essentials like clothing and education, too. If you’re hoping for long-term change, however, you can donate to NGOs that lobby government bodies for awareness.
Raise Awareness
Awareness is important when tackling a large, systemic problem that religious persecution tends to be. This type of persecution is aided by lax laws, mob mentality, and government authorities that turn a blind eye, and standing against it as a community can be the difference between long-term change and shorter relief. There are over two billion Christians worldwide, and it’ll only take a few of those voices to pressure any government to make concessions for peace.
It only takes a few motivated people to unite a community that has already been tightly bonded, as is the case with Christians all over the world, and when a community is united, they can combine to form a movement. These movements are difficult for any country in the world to resist. If you raise your voice, using local resources and social gatherings, as well as social media to spread the message, you’ll be helping to change things for the better.
Religious persecution is an issue that persists all over the world. While civilization has been inching towards being able to coexist and live peacefully with one another, the truth is that, in countries where there are religious minorities, they are often persecuted and prevented from practicing their religion. This is an issue that plagues Christians, too, just for their religious affiliation. This is a major problem and needs to be addressed, yet it’s one that can be fixed through the combined effort of millions of people. By calling for action, you may ensure that your efforts result in long-standing peace.